








1. Introduction

- Purpose of the usability test: To evaluate the usability and user experience of the online brokerage platform for trading stocks and investing.
- Overview of the moderator's role: The moderator will introduce the tasks, ask questions, and observe and record the participants' interactions with the platform.
- Information about the test environment and participants: The test will be conducted remotely, using screen sharing and video conferencing software. The participants will include prospects considering the service and existing customers managing their accounts.

2. Preparation

- Familiarization with the product: The moderator should review the platform's features and functionality, as well as any relevant documentation or user guides.
- Review of the test goals and questions: The moderator should identify the specific goals and questions for each task, and consider how to best observe and measure the participants' performance and satisfaction.
- Creation of a test plan and script: The moderator should create a detailed plan outlining the tasks, questions, and observations for each part of the test. The script should include prompts for introducing the tasks and asking open-ended questions, as well as specific questions to measure performance and satisfaction.
- Selection and setup of equipment: The moderator should ensure that the necessary recording software, cameras, and microphones are set up and working properly.
- Recruitment and scheduling of test participants: The moderator should identify and recruit appropriate test participants, and schedule the test sessions at a convenient time for each participant.

3. Conducting the test

- Welcoming and orienting the participant: The moderator should greet the participant and introduce themselves, explaining the purpose and process of the usability test.
- Introducing the task and goals: The moderator should describe the task and goals, and provide any necessary context or instructions.
- Asking open-ended questions and encouraging participants to think aloud: The moderator should encourage the participant to speak their thoughts and share their reactions as they interact with the platform.
- Observing and taking notes on participant behavior and feedback: The moderator should observe and record the participant's actions and feedback, paying attention to areas of difficulty or confusion.
- Providing assistance as needed, but avoiding influencing the participant's actions: If the participant appears to be struggling with a task, the moderator can offer help or clarification, but should avoid giving direct guidance or influencing the participant's actions.
- Following the script and asking the prepared questions: The moderator should follow the script and ask the prepared questions to gather additional data and insights.

4. Debrief and wrap-up

- Thanking the participant for their time and feedback: The moderator should thank the participant for their participation and feedback.
- Gathering any final thoughts or comments: The moderator should ask the participant if they have any final thoughts or comments about their experience.
- Stopping the recording and completing any necessary post-test tasks: The moderator should stop the recording and complete any necessary post-test tasks, such as transcribing notes or uploading recordings.
- Analyzing the data and sharing the results with relevant team members: The moderator should analyze the data and share the results with relevant team members, including recommendations for improvements or changes based on the findings.







The number of participants to recruit for a usability study will depend on a variety of factors, including the goals and objectives of the study, the complexity and scope of the product or service being tested, and the resources available for conducting the study.

In general, usability studies typically aim to gather data from a relatively small number of participants, as the goal is to identify and understand common patterns and issues rather than to estimate population-level statistics. For this reason, usability studies are often designed as formative or exploratory studies rather than summative or confirmatory studies.

As a rough guide, usability studies may aim to recruit between 5 and 15 participants, depending on the complexity and scope of the product or service being tested. This is often referred to as the "rule of five," as it is generally believed that recruiting at least 5 participants can help identify the majority of usability issues and provide a sufficient sample size for analysis.

However, it is important to note that the number of participants may vary depending on the specific goals and objectives of the study, as well as the resources available for conducting the study. It may be helpful to consult with usability experts or review relevant literature to determine the most appropriate sample size for a particular study.





1. Do you currently have an online brokerage account?- Yes
- No2. If you answered "Yes" to the previous question, which of the following firms do you have an account with? (Select all that apply)- Vanguard
- Charles Schwab
- Fidelity
- Other (please specify)3. Have you used an online brokerage platform in the past?- Yes
- No4. How frequently do you trade stocks or invest online?- Daily
- Weekly
- Monthly
- Rarely
- Never5. Do you have any experience with investing or trading stocks in general?- Yes, I have a lot of experience
- Yes, I have some experience
- No, I am new to investing6. Are you currently considering opening an online brokerage account?- Yes
- No










1. Can you tell me a little bit about your experience with online brokerage platforms or investing in general?
2. What attracted you to this platform or service?
3. What do you hope to achieve with this platform or service?
4. Are there any specific features or functionality that you are particularly interested in or looking for in an online brokerage platform?
5. Is there anything else you'd like to share about your expectations or motivations for participating in this study?





1. Searching for and comparing different stock options
2. Setting up a new account and completing the registration process
3. Adding funds to the account and making a first trade
4. Viewing account activity and portfolio performance
5. Using the platform's research and analysis tools
6. Contacting customer support for assistance

Current customers:

1. Viewing account activity and portfolio performance
2. Making a trade
3. Viewing and managing alerts and notifications
4. Accessing and using research and analysis tools
5. Updating account settings and preferences
6. Contacting customer support for assistance or questions





1. Searching for and comparing different stock options: "Imagine that you are a beginner investor and are looking to start building a portfolio. You are interested in a range of stocks, but you want to compare different options and make an informed decision. Using the platform, please search for and compare different stock options, and consider factors such as price, performance, and risk."

2. Setting up a new account and completing the registration process: "Imagine that you are new to this platform and are interested in setting up a new account. Using the platform, please complete the registration process and set up a new account, including any necessary steps such as verifying your identity and adding personal or financial information."

3. Adding funds to the account and making a first trade: "Imagine that you have just set up a new account on this platform and are ready to start investing. Using the platform, please add funds to your account and make your first trade, considering factors such as the amount of funds you want to add, the type of asset you want to trade, and any associated fees or risks."





Open-ended questions:

- How did you feel about the task overall?
- What did you find most helpful or useful about the platform during this task?
- Were there any areas of the platform that you found confusing or frustrating?
- Is there anything else you'd like to share about your experience with the task?

Rating scales:

- On a scale of 1 to 5, how satisfied were you with the task? (1=Very Unsatisfied, 5=Very Satisfied)
- On a scale of 1 to 5, how easy or difficult was the task? (1=Very Difficult, 5=Very Easy)
- On a scale of 1 to 5, how likely are you to use this feature in the future? (1=Very Unlikely, 5=Very Likely)





Open-ended questions:

- What did you like most about the platform or service?
- Were there any features or functionality that you found particularly useful or beneficial?
- What could be improved about the platform or service in your opinion?
- Is there anything else you'd like to share about your experience with the platform or service?
- Would you recommend this platform or service to a friend or colleague? Why or why not?

Rating scales:

- On a scale of 1 to 5, how satisfied were you with the platform or service overall? (1=Very Unsatisfied, 5=Very Satisfied)
- On a scale of 1 to 5, how likely are you to continue using this platform or service? (1=Very Unlikely, 5=Very Likely)





Some examples of standard validated scales that may be appropriate to include in a usability study include:

- The System Usability Scale (SUS): This is a widely used scale that measures overall usability and user satisfaction. It consists of 10 items, each rated on a 5-point scale, with higher scores indicating higher usability and satisfaction.
- The Task-Specific Satisfaction (TSS) scale: This scale measures satisfaction with specific tasks or features within a product or service. It consists of 5 items, each rated on a 5-point scale, with higher scores indicating higher satisfaction.
- The Single Ease Question (SEQ): This is a single item scale that measures overall ease of use and satisfaction. It consists of a single question, rated on a 5-point scale, with higher scores indicating higher ease of use and satisfaction.
- The User Experience Questionnaire (UEQ): This scale measures various aspects of the user experience, including usability, aesthetics, and emotional engagement. It consists of 16 items, each rated on a 7-point scale, with higher scores indicating higher user experience.






  • **结果令人印象深刻。**至少,ChatGPT生成了可用的筛选器、任务情境、开放性问题、后续问题、评分尺度和指标的初稿。在提示下,它进行了调整和更正,例如将特定公司添加到筛选器中。
  • 但它们仍然不完美,有时偏离预期。它建议了一个不存在的UX度量标准,措辞有些别扭或过于直接,而且并不总是以最自然或最连贯的方式排序问题。它还提出了可能需要原型才能完成的任务。
  • ChatGPT从未要求我澄清任何人类研究人员会澄清的问题:研究的目标是什么?UX研究人员将研究设计和执行的每个决定考虑在内,以了解利益相关者将如何使用结果。

也许在未来,生成式AI工具将变得足够复杂,以开发完美无缺的测试计划,这将使研究人员有更多时间专注于其角色的其他部分。但是就目前而言,任何它们生成的内容都需要仔细审查。``` 尽管如此,所有这里展示的材料都是在不到10分钟内制作的。这种速度和效率可能使ChatGPT成为创意和初稿的有用工具,只要人类研究者有足够的经验来批判性地评价输出。



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